
How Do Vacations Help Marriages?

We’ve all heard that vacations can help lift your spirits, make you more productive, and make you learn more about yourself - but can they help your marriage? Our PHL Airport parking members have found out that they can - especially if you have children. Take the time to plan a few days away and spend some time with your significant other. A vacation can rekindle intimacy and refresh your relationship by letting you:


Being a parent takes a lot of time, effort, and energy, which can take a toll on your everyday life. Plan a vacation at a beach resort where you can kick back and relax. Or book a cruise and enjoy being pampered.

Get some alone time.

Taking care of children, no matter how old they are, takes a lot of time and you probably don’t spend enough alone time with your partner. By taking a vacation, you can enjoy each other’s company without having to worry about anyone else in the room.

Rediscover romance.

Whether it’s been months or years since you’ve felt that newlywed romance, there’s always time to rediscover it. By taking a vacation, you can let go of your routines and remember what it’s like to be carefree and in love.

Set a good example.

Carving out time for yourselves sets a good example for your children. It shows them that you and your significant other care about your relationship enough to spend time alone.

Address your problems.

If you’re going through some problems in your marriage, set goals for yourselves and address them on your vacation. Working through issues like communication, trust, intimacy, and more can make for a fresh start when you get back home.

Be partners (not parents).

If you spend a lot of time being parents, you may forget what it’s like to actually be partners in a marriage. Taking a vacation lets you try new things together like a new restaurant, a snorkeling adventure, horseback riding, and more.

Make some new memories.

Making new memories with your significant other can strengthen the bond you two have. Try doing something you’ve always wanted to do or something you haven’t done in a long time. You’ll have wonderful shared moments to look back and smile on.

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